On this picture: this historical event was unbearable.
The trial of brother John Hus was a saddest event in the history of the mankind. Hus was a martyr of free will and expression, a bravest warrior on the path to the liberty.
In the semiotic aspect, in the condemnation and excommunication liturgy was a special sign without firmly signified core. All that happened in the moment of the anathema of Johannes Hus in 6. July 1415 (in die incendis VI Iuli) in the St Mary´s Cathedral of Constance. Brother Johannes´s banishing, expelling and setting apart from the Church was put into question and the serving bishop, gave him the symbolic chalice of redemption and took it away at the very same moment with other bishops, presenting at the ceremony: calicem imprimis ab ipso auferent de manibus ipsius (to hand over a chalice and take it away again).
This act had a deep ecclesiastical background. Then one of the serving bishops cried: O Juda maledicte! Ut qui dereliquisti consilium pacis et cum Judaeis consiliatus es, auferimus a te calicem hunc redemptionis. („Oh condemned Judas! While you have rejected the counsel of peace and companied with the Iscariotan betrayers, we shall remove from you this chalice of redemption.“)
The defendant answered: Confido in Dominum Deum omnipotentem, pro cujus nomine hanc blasphemiam patienter sustineo, quod ipse suae redemtionis a me calicem non auferet, sed spero firmiter, quod hodie in regno suo bibam illum! („I believe in almighty God, for whose name I am patiently bearing this humiliation, because He himself does never take me away the chalice, but I firmly believe me to drink from that in His reign today!“) And the other symbols of the holy communion having taken away from him at the same moment, such as tonsure and ornate and then the defendant repeated his previous words about the Christ.
As all the aparatus was removed from the defendant, the bishops said to give him a paper crown of shame. When it has been done, the crowd of bishops put this cap on his head, but the defendant turned against the rules to the presiding man, asking rhetorically: „Are here any, not knowing that these bishops are in concordance with blasphemy?“ After that event the main crowd passed on to the important act of excommunication: cutting the ass tonsure (tonsor assiduus), the ordinary fate to the monks who were fallen to the blasphemy. The tonsure proceeded ad dextrum et sinistrum, ante et retro depicibus praecidissent (to the right and left, forward and back). It is not evident, which relation the tonsure had with his shame cap and whether it has been cut following to the line of lower edge of his cap. However, it was pretty sure that the words, confirming the „bare“, expelled status of the cursed were „Let it be! Let it be! Let it be!“ (Fiat! Fiat! Fiat!), said by at least three serving man, which spinned round „from right to the left, forwards and back towards the present people“.
The important phrase said to be in effectu and were: „The handed over (tradendus) makes the hand of secular.“ (In the exact meaning: let him be a joint of the secular body.)